The TAIGA astrophysical complex includes now 3 IACTs at the distance 300-500 m between each other and 1 km 2 area wide-angle timing array TAIGA-HiSCORE. At energies above 40 TeV, a hybrid approach to the detection of gamma-rays becomes possible -the detection of EAS by both IACTs and the TAIGA-HiSCORE installation. The main advantage of the joint operation of the IACTs and timing array HiSCORE is a good gamma/hadron separation by image parameters information, and core position, direction and energy reconstruction by the timing array data. In this paper the following topics of a hybrid method are discussed: data processing and analysis, a comparison experimental results with Monte-Carlo simulations, selection of the first events with the energy more than 100 TeV from Crab Nebula in 250 hours of observation. The data were taken during the period of installation deployment, with one IACT in operation and half of the area of TAIGA-HiSCORE installation.