Abstract. The observed variation of B (IS4; 0+s ~4 +) with mass number A, that gives information about hexadecupole component in y-vibration, in rare-earth nuclei is studied in the SUsdg (3) limit of sdg interacting boson model employing IBM-2 to IBM-1 projected hexadecupole transition operator with effective charges determined using a multi-j shell mapping procedure. The SU~dg (3) limit provides a reasonably good description of the data. PACS: 21.10. Ky; 21.60.Fw; 23.20.Js; 27.70. + qThe experimental information about hexadecupole shapes and shape oscillations is obtained from measurements of hexadecupole deformation parameter f14 and ground state (GS) to y-band t0 + --->4 + cs ~ ) E4 transition strengths; the latter gives information about hexadecupole component in y-vibration. In the last three decades considerable amount of data on Be'S has accumulated for rare-earth (hereafter referred to as B. (IS4)) strengths in ' Sin, u 16~ 164Dy, 166'168Er, aY6yb, 182'184W, and 192Os using 65 MeV polarized protons and they have provided By (IS4) (or equivalently Y42 deformation c%2 ) systematics in rare-earth region. The purpose of this paper is to study the B~ (IS4) systematics in sdgIBM framework. Before proceeding further it should be mentioned that the iso-scalar hexadecupole mass transi- in proton, neutron spaces; (ii) derivation of exact expression for E4 matrix elements connecting members of GS-band to y-band in the S Usdg (3) limit (instead of using the Coherent State formalism [7,8]) and taking large-N limit.In proton-neutron sdgIBM the general hexadecupole transition operator Tf4(zrv) is written as rf4( v) = Z h 4 Q4;