The pressure-volume (density)-temperature (P-r-T) surface of a fluid presents the basic thermodynamic properties for investigating the behaviour of fluids. The isothermal compressibility, k T , and isentropic (adiabatic) compressibility, k S , of a fluid are defined as:(13:1)where r refers to the specific molar volume, P to pressure, T to temperature and S to entropy. The pioneering studies on the P-r-T relationships for various compounds were conducted by Bridgman, 1,2 Gibson and Kincaid 3,4 and many colleagues in the early 20th century. Today, the experimental P-r-T data of a large number of liquids and/or mixtures have been stored or published in a variety of styles. Examples include the databases of Volume Properties: Liquids, Solutions and Vapours Edited by Emmerich Wilhelm and Trevor M. Letcher