“…Here, we summarise the main findings of our study, and how they relate to our initial aims. - Aim 1 : We successfully implemented our joint RoM rig and SFP method (Herbst, Eberhard, et al, 2022), capturing a detailed dataset of the hindlimb joint range of motion in S. salamandra including interaction of degrees of freedom.
- Aim 2 : The SFP approach enabled intuitive comparisons between in vivo (during walking) and ex vivo (ligamentous) ROM data.
- In the hip, ex vivo FE, LAR and ABAD had similar ranges, whereas in the in vivo salamander, the ABAD range had the lowest excursion (much lower than ex vivo ABAD), followed by LAR (a bit lower range than ex vivo), and a similar FE range to ex vivo.
- The in vivo hip FE range was slightly biased towards extension rather than flexion, whereas for the ex vivo individuals there was much greater flexion than extension.
- In the salamander knee, there was a strong correspondence between in vivo and ex vivo FE range, maxima and minima, suggesting that cadaver studies of ROM may give reasonable predictions of the in vivo FE range for this joint.
- However, the in vivo FE range was shifted (more internal rotation) relative to the ex vivo ranges.