We show the existence of new localized nonlinear structures for the electrostatic potential and the electron density in the form of bright and W-shaped solitons in quantum electron plasmas, respectively, which is modelled by the coupled nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson equations. The robustness and the conservation of the energy of the solitons are demonstrated by numerical simulations. The sensitivity of the coupling constant on the stability of the paired solitons in the quantum electron plasmas are investigated. Quantum mechanical effects in dense plasmas become increasingly important when the de Broglie length of the charge carriers is comparable to the dimension of the plasma system. Quantum hydrodynamic (QHD) models for charged particle systems and collective interactions have been proposed for describing the behaviours of dense quantum plasmas [1 -5]. Ubiquitous presences of quantum plasmas in micromechanical systems and ultra-small electronic devices, in laser and microplasmas [6], in dense astrophysical environments [7], as well as in next generation intense laser-solid density plasma interaction experiments and in quantum X-ray free-electron lasers, have brought active research interests (see [8] for review).Shukla and Eliasson [9] have recently investigated the formation and dynamics of dark and gray envelope solitons and two-dimensional vortices in quantum electron plasmas with fixed ion background, based on a nonlinear Schrödinger-Poisson (SP) system of equations [1 -5, 8], in the form ofwhere the wave function Ψ is normalized by the equilibrium electron density √ n 0 , the electrostatic potential φ by T F /e, the time t byh/T F , and the space coordinate r by the Debye length λ D , where0 /m e is the Fermi temperature (neglecting relevant dimensionless constant), m e is the electron mass, e is the magnitude of the electron charge, ε 0 is the electric permittivity,h is the Plank constant divided by 2π [8 -10]. The quantum coupling constant A = Γ Q /2, where0 , is the most important parameter for the system, which can be both smaller and larger than unity depending on the physical situation under consideration [8]. More recently, we showed that the localized nonlinear structures in the form of domainwall (DW) solitons can exist in (1) -(2), admitting a set of conserved quantities [11]. Quasi-stationary solutions in the form of DW solitons, which show anticorrelation between the electron density and the electrostatic potential, were tested numerically to check their robustness [11].In this work, we show the existence of new localized nonlinear structures for the electrostatic potential and the electron density in the form of bright and Wshaped solitons in quantum electron plasmas, in the SP system, respectively. We demonstrate their robustness by numerical simulations, identify the boundary condition and the quantum coupling constant range for such stable paired solitons.