Abstract:The great success in controlling chemical reactivity by spin manipulation was achieved in the last decade, and many remarkable spin and magnetic phenomena have been discovered. Among those discoveries, the most chemically important highlights are magnetic isotope effect, spin catalysis, and single-spin tunneling spectroscopy. This paper summarizes recent advances in these new and hot areas of modern chemistry.
GENERAL OUTLOOK OF SPIN CHEMISTRYSpin chemistry as a new land and hot area in modern chemistry is based on the universal and fundamental principle-all chemical reactions are spin selective. They allowed only for those spin states of products whose total electron spin is identical to that of reagents. The reactions are forbidden if they require a change of spin.Some typical examples of spin-selective reactions are given below. The recombination of radicals into the diamagnetic molecule is allowed from singlet state of the reaction precursor, radical pair:Triplet state is strictly forbidden for the reaction, so that triplet pair either dissociates to free radicals, or experiences spin conversion (shown by dashed arrow), which transforms nonreactive triplet state into the chemically reactive singlet state.Chemical addition of radical to triplet molecule (oxygen, for instance), as well as physical quenching of excited triplet molecule by radical, takes place only in doublet state:Quartet spin state is forbidden to react and quartet-doublet spin conversion is required to switch over the reaction channel. Again, spin selectivity is controlled by competition between the dissociation of the quartet pair on the starting reagents and spin transformation of the pair into the reactive doublet state.In the reaction of two triplets (recombination of carbenes, delayed fluorescence from the fusion of two excited triplet molecules, etc.) only one of the nine spin states is open to react: *Plenary lecture presented at the 15