Based on Martin-like potential, the masses of quarkonia states and their leptonic decay widths have been reviewed. The hyperfine, spin orbit and tensor interactions are employed to compute the spin splitting of the nS states and the fine splittings of the P and D states. The analysis based on the predicted masses and leptonic decay widths clearly indicates that c ð3686Þ is a mixed state with a 50%-50% admixture of c " c ð2SÞ and the hybrid c " cg in accordance with the suggestion that resolves the À puzzle related to c ð2SÞ. And Çð10355Þ as similar admixture of b " b ð3SÞ with b " bg in accordance with the resolution of Vogel puzzle related to Çð3SÞ state. Analyses on the level differences of S-wave excited states of quantum mechanical bound systems show a systematic behavior as n increases. In view of such systematic behavior expected for quarkonia, we observe that Yð4260Þ and Zð4430Þ 1 ÀÀ states are closer to the 4S and 5S states with leptonic decay widths predicted as 0.65 keV and 0.49 keV, respectively. The c " c ð6SÞ 1 ÀÀ state is predicted to be around 4600 MeV and its leptonic decay width 0.39 keV. The present study also favors other charmonialike states, Yð4360Þ and Yð4660Þ, as admixtures of charmonia S À D states. Similarly we find Çð10865Þ does not fit either the 5S state or an admixture of S À D states of a b " b system. We identify Y b ð10888Þ observed by Belle as the 6S state of bottonia whose leptonic width is predicted as 0.158 keV. Our predicted leptonic width, 0.242 keV of Çð10575; 4SÞ, is in good agreement with the experimental value of 0:272 AE 0:029 keV. We predict the pure Çð5SÞ state at about 100 MeV lower than 10865 MeV and its leptonic width 0.191 keV. The upsilon state Çð11019Þ seems to be the right candidate for the 7S state, with 0.134 keV as its predicted leptonic width, which is in very good agreement with the experimental value of 0:13 AE 0:03 keV.