We use a second-order rotational invariant Green's function method (RGM) and the hightemperature expansion (HTE) to calculate the thermodynamic properties, of the kagome-lattice spin-S Heisenberg antiferromagnet with nearest-neighbor exchange J. While the HTE yields accurate results down to temperatures of about T /S(S + 1) ∼ J, the RGM provides data for arbitrary T ≥ 0. For the ground state we use the RGM data to analyze the S-dependence of the excitation spectrum, the excitation velocity, the uniform susceptibility, the spin-spin correlation functions, the correlation length, and the structure factor. We found that the so-called √ 3 × √ 3 ordering is more pronounced than the q = 0 ordering for all values of S. In the extreme quantum case S = 1/2 the zero-temperature correlation length is only of the order of the nearest-neighbor separation. Then we study the temperature dependence of several physical quantities for spin quantum numbers S = 1/2, 1, . . . , 7/2. As increasing S the typical maximum in the specific heat and in the uniform susceptibility are shifted towards lower values of T /S(S + 1) and the height of the maximum is growing. The structure factor S(q) exhibits two maxima at magnetic wave vectors q = Qi, i = 0, 1, corresponding to the q = 0 and √ 3 × √ 3 state. We find that the √ 3 × √ 3 short-range order is more pronounced than the q = 0 short-range order for all temperatures T ≥ 0. For the spin-spin correlation functions, the correlation lengths and the structure factors, we find a finite low-temperature region 0 ≤ T < T * ≈ a/S(S + 1), a ≈ 0.2, where these quantities are almost independent of T . arXiv:1803.06202v1 [cond-mat.str-el]