The aim of the present study is to examine the relationship between empathy, antisocial behavior, religiosity, and spirituality as causal variables of pro-social behavior. The study has also considered the influence of other variables such as age, sex, religious creed, and ethnicity in a Catholic sample of Bolivian university students. A preliminary conceptual model of empathic concern was proposed based on the studied variables. While the relationship between religiosity and pro-social behavior did not prove to be very sound, the results did show strong ties between pro-social behavior, empathy, and spirituality, revealing how these variables contribute to explaining such behavior. The output of the modeling process indicates (verified through standardized weights) that at least three of the four latent variables included in the model showed a relevant influence on pro-social behavior (empathy, religiosity, and spirituality). Antisocial behavior was dismissed as a source of an endogenous variable explanation. Although the model seems to be acceptable, some adjustments are needed to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of the empathy-a pro-social conceptual framework.Keywords Pro-social behavior . Empathic concern . Religiosity . Spirituality Statements such as BDon't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you^, attributed to Buddha, or BLove your neighbor as yourself^of the Christian gospels 1 , or BDo good to others without expecting anything in return^, and many other similar expressions shared by different religions tell us much about the importance that sacred Int J Lat Am Relig (2017) Batson et al. 1993;Yodrabum 2005;Hardy and Carlo 2005) consider the religious experience, the practice of faith, instilling moral thinking, sharing, cooperating, and promoting pro-social behavior as a wide range of actions that seek to benefit one or more people (Batson 1998). On the other hand, there are reasons to believe that individuals are usually generous, cooperative, concerned, and trustworthy, and it is assumed that religious people are more likely to show such attributes. Therefore, religiosity could be considered as a predictor of kindness and understanding as well as emotional pro-social altruism (Hardy and Carlo 2005).However, a growing number of studies question the relationship between religious practices and pro-social behavior, making it necessary to deepen its analysis and review its underlying theoretical assumptions. The existing scientific literature related to this topic is far from having achieved a full agreement on the existence of evidence for such a relationship and, rather, reveals contradictions regarding the influence of religiosity on pro-social behavior.While there is little doubt about the relationship as such, the controversy arises when discussing the causal status of religiosity. This seems to be related to the complexities of the multidimensional nature of the pro-social theoretical construct and the notion of religiosity. For example, it is evident that som...