We resubmit the manuscript entitled "FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF NARROW DENTAL IMPLANTS" (DENTA-19-00040) after addressing your request of a major revision. We have addressed all the comments of the reviewers, which helped us to improve the manuscript. Below you will find our answers to the comments. All changes are highlighted in yellow in the final manuscript. Figures 3 and 4 have been modified as well to comply with comment 7.Comment 1: Results. The authors described that "The reason for distinguishing between minimum and maximum principal stress is to see the difference between compressive and tensile stress patterns respectively." However, the positive values of maximum/minimum principal stress mean tensile stress. The negative values of maximum/minimum principal stress mean compressive stress. Revise all related points. Answer 1: We thank you for your constructive recommendations to improve the quality of our work. Indeed, the sentence was not strictly correct since it is true that positive values of principal stress mean tension and negative ones mean compression. In the new version of the manuscript we have solved this ambiguity with a more precise sentence: "The reason for distinguishing between minimum and maximum principal stress is to identify the areas where overloading occurs due to either compressive or tensile stress, respectively, according to the maximum normal stress criterion defined above". In fact, based on this stress criterion used for brittle materials, overloading of bone occurs when the maximum principal stress exceeds its tensile strength or when the minimum principal stress exceeds its compressive strength.Comment 2: Discussion. References in the Discussion section is not enough. Ex. The last sentence in the first paragraph should be referred similar studies.Answer 2: Thanks for this observation. In the new manuscript, we have included more references supporting our discussion. Comment 3: Some results such as "3.0mm =2.20 mm³" were described in the Discussion section. These results must be moved to the Results section. Make sure and revise all related points. Answer 3: We included those data in the Discussion section since they give rise to a particular analysis from the general data provided in the Figure 3 (Results section). In any case, it is true they fit better in the Results section. We have moved this and other numerical data to the Results section while keeping their interpretation in the Discussion section. Comment 4: Also, what's the meaning of OV? Define it.Answer 4: Overloading is a major trigger for the damage and resorption of peri-implant bone. OV means overloaded volume and is related to the stress criterion we have considered to determine the areas under overloading in bone, in accordance with similar studies. It should be noted that bone can be damaged by tensile or compressive stress.Response to Reviewers (without Author Details) Answer 5: Thanks for this observation. This has been solved in the new version of the manuscript.