Following Moore's law, the transistor density and hence the computing power of integrated circuits have scaled exponentially with time. [1] However, optical lithography technology, which has sustained Moore's law over the last half century, is reaching a limit in pattern resolution. Unconventional lithography techniques are therefore required to enable the next generations of microelectronic device fabrication. The critical requirements are scalability, high throughput, low cost, and compatibility with existing fabrication techniques.During the past decade, films of self-assembled diblock copolymers (BCPs) have attracted significant attention for lithography applications because they can generate ordered microdomains with sizes below 30 nm by thermodynamically driven microphase separation [2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16] In this application, 2D arrays or monolayers of microdomains are desirable to facilitate pattern transfer. [4,7,13,14,17] Typically, self-assembled BCP microdomain arrays possess only short-range order, and thus to make technologically useful structures with long-range order and accurate registration, BCPs may be templated using features formed by another lithography technique. [4,5,9,10,[13][14][15]17,18] The most common templates are chemical [5,15,19,20] or topographic [4,8,9,13,14,17] patterns defined by electron beam lithography or optical lithography. Chemical templates can regulate the orientation and position of BCP microdomains to high precision [5,15,19,20] in BCP films consisting of out-of-plane cylinders or lamellae, in which both blocks contact the chemically patterned substrate. Topographic patterns, with or without substrate surface functionalization, use spatial confinement to impose long-range ordering in BCPs of many morphologies including in-plane cylinders and spheres, [4,8,9,13,14,17] and can also form 3D assemblies, [21][22][23][24] including morphologies such as rings, spirals, disks, and hollow cylinders that are not found in bulk. [21][22][23]25,26] Of key importance is the ability to transfer patterns with good fidelity from block copolymers into a variety of materials, including metals that may be difficult to dry-etch. In this communication, we describe a simple route to fabricate thin films with well-ordered nanopores (antidot arrays) using self-assembled block-copolymer lithography and pattern transfer processes. Long-range ordering of a sphere-forming block copolymer is accomplished using a brush-coated 1D topographic template and solvent annealing, and the spheres are used to make nanoporous patterns through a pattern reversal process. Examples of Ti, Pt, Ta, W, silica, and magnetic Co and Ni antidot arrays are presented. A second image reversal process was used to form Ni dot arrays. This general method may be used to make a diverse range of nanoatterned films that can be useful in applications including via formation in integrated circuits, filters, plasmonic and photonic bandgap structures, catalysts, templates, sensors, and solar cells. [27]...