Abstract. We develop a version of Namba forcing which is useful for constructing models with no good scale on ℵω. A model is produced in which ℵn holds for all finite n ≥ 1, but there is no good scale on ℵω; this strengthens a theorem of Cummings, Foreman, and Magidor [3] on the non-compactness of square.Cummings, Foreman, and Magidor [4] proved that if the square principle ℵn holds for all finite n ≥ 1, then there exists a "square-like" sequence on ℵ ω+1 which exhibits uniformity at ordinals of uncountable cofinality. But in [3] they showed that the existence of squares on cardinals less than ℵ ω fails to imply the existence of a square sequence on ℵ ω+1 . Specifically, they constructed a model in which ℵn holds for all n ≥ 1, but every stationary subset of ℵ ω+1 ∩ cof(ℵ 0 ) reflects to an ordinal in ℵ ω+1 of cofinality ℵ 1 . Since ℵω implies that every stationary subset of ℵ ω+1 contains a non-reflecting stationary subset, ℵω fails in this model.Stationary set reflection is consistent with weaker forms of square. For example, in [2] it is proven that the weak square principle * ℵω is consistent with the statement that every family of ℵ 1 many stationary subsets of ℵ ω+1 ∩ cof(ℵ 0 ) reflects simultaneously to some ordinal in ℵ ω+1 ∩ cof(ℵ 1 ). This raises the question whether the square principle holding below ℵ ω implies any form of weak square principle on ℵ ω+1 .In this paper we rework the forcing construction of [3] to construct a model which satisfies that ℵn holds for all finite n ≥ 1, but there does not exist a good scale on ℵ ω . Thus the existence of squares below ℵ ω does not imply even the weakest square principles on ℵ ω+1 , such as * ℵω and the approachability property AP ℵω . To obtain this model we develop a version of Namba forcing which is useful for constructing models with no good scale. Section 1 reviews some basic facts about good scales. Sections 2-5 develop the version of Namba forcing which we will use. In Section 6 we define a forcing iteration of Namba forcing to obtain a model with no good scale on ℵ ω . Section 7 proves the main theorem of the paper; we construct a model which satisfies that ℵn holds for all finite n ≥ 1, but there is no good scale on ℵ ω .
Good ScalesThe weakest square principle on ℵ ω+1 is the existence of a good scale. In this section we review notation and basic ideas regarding this concept.For an infinite set a ⊆ ℵ 0 , we consider the product n∈a ℵ n , ordered by eventual domination with respect to a. For functions f, g ∈ n∈a ℵ n , define f < * a g if there 2010 Mathematical Subject Classification: 03E35, 03E04.