.2012.-We tested whether mild and moderate dynamic exercise and muscle metaboreflex activation (MMA) affect dynamic baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (CO), and the influence of stroke volume (SV) fluctuations on CO regulation in normal (N) and pacing-induced heart failure (HF) dogs by employing transfer function analyses of the relationships between spontaneous changes in left ventricular systolic pressure (LVSP) and HR, LVSP and CO, HR and CO, and SV and CO at low and high frequencies (Lo-F, 0.04 -0.15 Hz; Hi-F, 0.15-0.6 Hz). In N dogs, both workloads significantly decreased the gains for LVSP-HR and LVSP-CO in Hi-F, whereas only moderate exercise also reduced the LVSP-CO gain in Lo-F. MMA during mild exercise further decreased the gains for LVSP-HR in both frequencies and for LVSP-CO in Lo-F. MMA during moderate exercise further reduced LVSP-HR gain in Lo-F. Coherence for HR-CO in Hi-F was decreased by exercise and MMA, whereas that in Lo-F was sustained at a high level (Ͼ0.8) in all settings. HF significantly decreased dynamic HR and CO regulation in all situations. In HF, the coherence for HR-CO in Lo-F decreased significantly in all settings; the coherence for SV-CO in Lo-F was significantly higher. We conclude that dynamic exercise and MMA reduces dynamic baroreflex control of HR and CO, and these are substantially impaired in HF. In N conditions, HR modulation plays a major role in CO regulation. In HF, influence of HR modulation wanes, and fluctuations of SV dominate in CO variations. arterial baroreflex; exercise reflexes; pressor response; impaired cardiac performance BEAT-TO-BEAT CARDIAC OUTPUT (CO) varies considerably across successive heart beats, whereas the average level remains remarkably constant under basal conditions (21, 50). This likely involves control mechanisms operating at markedly different frequencies. Rapid baroreflex control of heart rate (HR) is thought to play a crucial role in dynamic CO regulation. Previous studies suggest that low-frequency (Lo-F: 0.04 -0.15 Hz) blood pressure fluctuations are buffered by the dynamic baroreflex control of HR (25, 28). However, we and others have observed that changes in HR do not necessarily elicit proportional changes in CO because stroke volume (SV) may also vary with the changes in ventricular filling time (17,34,48). Furthermore, transient increases in CO will lower ventricular filling pressure (and decreases in CO will raise filling pressure), thereby providing a self-limiting response (6,30,40). Furthermore, baroreflex control of HR may not functionally buffer high-frequency (Hi-F: above 0.15 Hz) blood pressure fluctuations (4,38,44). In this case, Hi-F variations of CO could facilitate blood pressure variability via a feedforward mechanism rather than buffer arterial pressure. In addition, it has been shown that in anesthetized rats, the blood pressure response to cardiac pacing induced high-frequency oscillation of CO is smaller than that to low-frequency oscillation of CO (41). To our knowledge, however, the dynam...