The electromagnetic-vacuum-field fluctuations are intimately linked to the process of spontaneous emission of light. Atomic emitters cannot probe electric-and magnetic-field fluctuations simultaneously because electric and magnetic transitions correspond to different selection rules. In this paper we show that semiconductor quantum dots are fundamentally different and are capable of mediating electric-dipole, magnetic-dipole, and electric-quadrupole transitions on a single electronic resonance. As a consequence, quantum dots can probe electric and magnetic fields simultaneously and can thus be applied for sensing the electromagnetic environment of complex photonic nanostructures. Our study opens the prospect of interfacing quantum dots with optical metamaterials for tailoring the electric and magnetic light-matter interaction at the single-emitter level.Spontaneous emission is a fundamental physical process, which plays an essential role in nature as the main source of optical radiation, and in applications as the principal source of artificial illumination. Quantum mechanically, spontaneous emission is an effect of the fluctuating electromagnetic vacuum field perturbing the emitter. At optical frequencies, emitters sense mainly the electric field while higher-order multipole field components can be neglected. This is because the variation of the electromagnetic field is negligible over the spatial extent of most quantum emitters, which has rendered the dipole approximation a highly successful approximation in quantum electrodynamics. Nevertheless, magneticdipole (MD) and electric-quadrupole (EQ) transitions are well known in atomic physics and can be accessed with light despite being much weaker, 1-3 since they have different selection rules than electric-dipole (ED) transitions.4,5 Semiconductor quantum dots (QDs) are however fundamentally different. Unlike atoms, the dipole approximation may not apply to QDs even on dipole-allowed transitions.6 The asymmetry of the QD wavefunctions originating from a lack of mirrorreflection symmetry (parity symmetry) of the QD confinement potential breaks the usual selection rules applicable in atomic physics leading to both ED and MD contributions on the same transition. For atoms a related but very weak asymmetry is induced by the electroweak interaction and has been used to probe the standard model of particle physics.7 In contrast, the parity violation is very strong for QDs due to their asymmetric structure and, therefore, they may be exploited as a sensitive probe of the parity conservation and the nature of the multipolar quantum-vacuum fluctuations in complex photonic nanostructures.In the present work, we show that the commonly used selfassembled In(Ga)As QDs have ED, MD, and EQ interactions of comparable magnitude on a single electronic resonance, which is a new and fundamental effect in the fields of nano optics and quantum optics. A current hot topic in nanophotonics exploits the role of non-locality of the dielectric response in plasmonics.8,9 Here we study a di...