Of the pet rabbits presented at one private practice between August 2011 and August 2016 (n=1369), 5·6% presented with a traumatic orthopaedic injury. Of these, 7·8% (n=6) presented with traumatic coxofemoral luxation, the most frequently observed type of luxation. Three cases of non-traumatic coxofemoral luxation in pet rabbits are also discussed. Eight rabbits presented with craniodorsal luxation and one with caudoventral luxation. Five rabbits were initially treated using closed reduction and an Ehmer sling under sedation. Two rabbits responded satisfactorily to closed reduction; their bandages remained in place for 10 and 14 days, and movement was cage-limited for 1 month after bandage placement. The bandage did not prevent re-luxation in three cases. Therefore, two rabbits received iliofemoral nylon sutures, and three rabbits received a femoral neck and head ostectomy. One rabbit was treated directly using open reduction and an iliofemoral nylon suture due to fractures in the same limb. One rabbit was presented in shock, coxofemoral luxation was noticed as an incidental finding and euthanasia was elected by the owner. In conclusion, of the three rabbits treated via femoral neck and head ostectomy one rabbit had an unsatisfactory outcome and two rabbits have non-assessable outcomes. The three rabbits treated with iliofemoral sutures showed satisfactory long-term outcomes and the two rabbits treated with closed reduction and an Ehmer sling showed satisfactory medium and long-term outcomes.