AIM OF THE STUDY To study the various breast conditions during pregnancy and lactation. MATERIALS AND METHODS This was a cross sectional descriptive study conducted at various nursing homes in Jammu region during the period of one year (2011-2012). All pregnant/Lactating women with breast related problems were enrolled for the study. A detailed clinical examination was carried out on the first visit and all relevant investigations were carried out. RESULTS Majority of cases were of infective etiology like mastitis (94.11%) out of which 60 were lactating and 20 were pregnant, they all got treated with antibiotics and analgesics. Antibioma and abscesses was noted in 1% each, they were drained surgically. Galactocele was noted in one lactating female (1. 16%). Only one patient (1.17%). was noted to have a mass lesion on clinical examination which proved to be malignant on FNAC. CONCLUSION Invariably, most breast disorders during pregnancy or lactation will ultimately prove to be benign. Nevertheless, the possibility of cancer should be kept in mind so as to intervene earliest possible without any risk to mother or fetus.