The product of the RADI gene of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is believed to function at the incision step of excision repair of DNA damage (9). Thus, it is not surprising that defects in this gene increase sensitivity to a variety of DNA-damaging agents, including UV, the UV-mimetic chemical 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide, mono-and bifunctional alkylating agents,.and photoactivated psoralens (6,8,9,40,41,49). As well, the RADI gene product is required for the repair of NM-methyladenine (13). Not only do RADI deficiencies sensitize cells to the lethal effects of certain genotoxic agents, but also they enhance UV and 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide-induced mutagenesis (27, 40) and UV-induced mitotic interchromosomal recombination (45). Recent findings suggest that the RADI gene product also plays a role in mitotic intrachromosomal recombination and in integration of linear DNA molecules into homologous genomic sequences (2,17,44). In addition to these various properties, defects in RADl confer a mutator phenotype (35,43,47). Both enhanced locus reversion to prototrophy and forward mutation to suppression and canavanine resistance have been reported, but neither the precise mutational changes involved nor the specificity of the mutator effect has been elucidated.To account for the association between repair defects and enhanced spontaneous mutagenesis in yeast cells, von Borstel and colleagues (12, 42) have invoked the repair channeling hypothesis (5, 10). According to this hypothesis, impairment of a specific repair pathway results in channeling of damage normally repaired by that pathway along other, competitive pathways. In a similar fashion, shunting of spontaneous DNA lesions through mutagenic repair pathways might account for elevated spontaneous tnutation in repair-deficient strains. However, the nature of these errorprone pathways has remained obscure, and generally the magnitudes of the mutator effects in yeast cells are relatively small. Consequently, it has been suggested that repair defects might have a more indirect influence on spontaneous * Corresponding author. mutation, perhaps by somehow reducing the fidelity. of DNA replication (43) or the efficiency of correcting replication errors (26). Alternatively, the products of some repair genes might play a regulatory role (7,16) so that modulation of processes other than DNA repair could be responsible for the mutator phenotypes of certain repair-deficient mutants.Characterization of the locations and types of DNA sequence alteration occurring spontaneously within a single gene in a radl background would provide valuable infoi-mation about the specificity of the radl mutator effect. In turn, this could yield important clues about the mechanism(s) of enhanced spontaneous mutagenesis in excision repair-deficient strains. To examine mutational specificity, we previously developed a system for the DNA sequence analysis of forward mutations in the yeast tRNA suppressor gene . In this system, all types of base pair substitution as well as deletions, duplications, in...