Metal surfaces with disorder or with nanostructure modifications are studied, allowing for a localized charge layer (CL) in addition to continuous charges (CC) in the bulk, both charges having a compressional or diffusive non-local response. The notorious problem of "additional boundary conditions" is resolved with the help of a Boltzmann equation that involves the scattering between the two charge types. Depending on the strength of this scattering, the oscillating charges can be dominantly CC or CL; the surface plasmon (SP) resonance acquires then a relatively small linewidth, in agreement with a large set of data. With a few parameters our model describes a large variety of SP dispersions corresponding to observed data. PACS numbers: 73.20.Mf, 68.35.Fx Introduction. Collective electronic excitations in metal surfaces covered with adsorbates or nanostructures are of significant recent interest. Surface plasmons (SP) are an efficient tool for characterizing such surfaces 1,2 and can be used as sensitive chemical sensors and biosensors 3 .A considerable amount of data on the dispersion of SPs has been accumulated 4-16 on a variety of metal surfaces, clean, sputtered, or covered with thin films. These composite surfaces indicate the necessity of distinguishing between two types of charge carriers: continuous charges (CC) extending throughout the bulk and a charge layer (CL) of carriers localized at the surface. In fact, photoemission data on some of these surfaces reveals the existence of quantum well states at the surface 17 . The two charge types are relevant also for pure metals: in alkali metals the charge extends beyond the neutralizing ions, forming a distinct layer 6,7 . In Ag a two-component s-d electron system with different surface and bulk charges has been put forward to explain the SP dispersion 18 . In some cases a distinct surface band is formed 2 , e.g. as in Be (0001), showing an acoustic plasmon 19 . Further motivation for a two-type charge model comes from studies of the anomalous heating of cold ions observed in miniaturized Paul traps, that invoke surface charge fluctuations on the metallic electrodes [20][21][22][23][24] .Most information about the SP dispersion ω(k) is available in the non-retarded range ω p /c ≪ k ≪ k F where k is the momentum parallel to the surface, ω p is the bulk plasma frequency, c the speed of light, and k F the Fermi momentum. In this range, the dispersion is parameterized as ω(k) = A + Bk + Ck 2 and the limiting value A = ω p / √ 2 is well known (assuming unit background permittivity) 25 . Considerable insight is gained by Feibelman's sum rule 26 relating the slope B to the centroid of the oscillating charge density profile δn(z):