Abstract. In this work, we study the entropy squeezing of a two-level atom interacting with a single-mode quantum …eld by a multi-photon Jaynes-Cummings Model in the presence of the two-state random phase telegraph noise. We show that the entropy squeezing is very sensitive to the noise. It disappears in time quickly due to the strongly destructive e¤ect of the noise.The Jaynes-Cummings Model (JCM) [1,2,3] is the basic model for describing the interaction of a two-level atom with a single-mode cavity quantum …eld under the rotating-wave approximation. This model reveals crucial non-classical properties such as sub-Poissonian statistics, anti-bunching, squeezing and collapse and revival phenomena [4,5]. Of the several interests to the model, one has been devoted to the squeezing properties of the atom [6,7,8, 9,10]. In these works, the atomic squeezing properties were studied on the base of the Heisenberg uncertainty relation (HUR). But, HUR cannot provide su¢ cient information about the atomic squeezing in particular when the atomic inversion vanishes. As an alternative to the HUR, Hirschman [11] studied quantum uncertainty by using quantum entropy theory. And the limitations of the HUR have been overcome by using the entropic uncertainty relation (EUR) [12,13]. Fang et.al. [14] found that EUR can be used as a general criterion for the squeezing of an atom. Accordingly, they proposed a measure of the squeezing of an atom the so-called squeezed in entropy in order to obtain su¢ cient information on atomic squeezing. The entropy squeezing of the atom has been studied extensively [15,16,17,18,19]. These works reveal that the entropy squeezing based on the EUR is more precise than the variance squeezing based on the HUR, as a measure of the atomic squeezing.For the realistic situations, the JCM-type atom-…eld interactions should be considered with a decoherence mechanism. One consideration was formulated by Joshi et.al. [20,21] in which the authors re-describe the JCM with the random telegraph noise. For the realization of this noise, the authors give some situations