We present an optimized design of an acousto-optic tunable filter (AOTF) using a phased-array transducer for a spectrally-multiplexed ultrafast pulse-shaping RF beamformer application. The momentum-space interaction geometry is used to optimize an AOTF using acoustic beam-steering techniques in combination with acoustic anisotropy in order to linearly map the applied RF frequency to the filtered output optical frequency. The appropriate crystal orientation and phased-array transducer design are determined to linearize the RF to optical frequency mapping even in the presence of optical dispersion of the birefringence. After optimizing the phasedarray transducer, acoustic anisotropy, and optical anisotropic diffraction geometry, the designed AOTF will compensate for the birefringent dispersion of TeO 2 to give a linear modulation of RF frequencies onto the corresponding optical frequencies. This linearized frequency mapped AOTF is required for a squint-compensated, wavelength-multiplexed, optically processed RF imager.