Waste disposal into seepage basins has generated groundwater contaminant plumes at many loca ons. At the F Area within the Savannah River Site, Pu was extracted from depleted U from 1955 to 1988, with wastewater discharged into seepage basins. Basin 3 was the largest F-Area seepage basin, receiving acidic wastewater containing radionuclides (including 3 H, 129 I, and mul ple isotopes of U, Pu, Sr, and Cs), elevated NO 3 , and some metals. Contaminants transported into the groundwater migrate toward Fourmile Branch, a tributary to the Savannah River. We developed a two-compartment model and used 20 yr of groundwater quality data to es mate the post-closure drainage of waste solu ons through its vadose zone into the aquifer. Tri um, NO 3 − , and specifi c conductance were used as tracers in the model to es mate drainage rates. Our calcula ons indicate that early stages of post-closure waste drainage occurred with high water fl uxes (?0.5 m yr −1 ) and quickly declined. Even 20 yr a er basin closure, however, drainage con nues at several cen meters per year. While the magnitude of this late-stage drainage rate is low, its impact is large because of the high concentra ons of contaminants it con nues to supply to the groundwater. These es mated drainage fl uxes constrain predic ons on the waste plume behavior, especially with respect to its trailing gradient and me scales suitable for monitored natural a enua on. Our methodology requires only groundwater monitoring data and a small number of well-constrained input quan es. This approach can be useful for understanding contaminant dissipa on at other loca ons as well, especially where the hydrogeological se ng is rela vely simple.Abbrevia ons: EC, electrical conduc vity; MCL, maximum contaminant level.Many mining and ore milling sites and nuclear weapons production facilities have used large volumes of water and consequently require discharge of similarly large volumes of contaminated wastewater. In the case of ore milling, mill tailings were commonly discharged over large areas in slurry form, with waste solutions draining into underlying sediments and groundwater (Fernandas et al., 1995;Narasimhan et al., 1986). Past practices used for disposal of some contaminated water at nuclear weapons production facilities included discharge into soil, the vadose zone, and underlying groundwater via permeable seepage basins (Arai et al., 2007;Denham and Vangelas, 2008;Kaplan et al., 1995;Shevenell et al., 1994). Whether groundwater at these sites is actively remediated to accelerate removal of contaminants or untreated and subjected to monitored natural attenuation, it is important to determine the timescale during which contaminant concentrations in the trailing plume edge diminish below their regulatory levels (Denham and Vangelas, 2008). A key factor controlling the dynamics of the trailing plume edge is the time frame for cessation of drainage from the contaminated vadose zone. h is time frame has two limiting conditions, depending on whether the upper boundary of the contam...