In this paper, we investigate the stability of five models of systems. In the first model, we consider a Euler-Bernoulli beam and a wave equations coupled via boundary connections. The localized non-smooth fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping acts through wave equation only, its effect is transmitted to the other equation through the coupling by boundary connections. In this model, we reformulate the system into an augmented model and using a general criteria of Arendt-Batty, we show that the system is strongly stable. By using frequency domain approach, combined with multiplier technique we prove that the energy decays polynomially with rate t −4 2−α . For the second model, we consider two wave equations coupled through boundary connections with localized non-regular fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping acting on one of the two equations. We prove using the same technique that we have polyniomial stability with energy decay rate of type t −4 2−α . For the third model, we consider coupled Euler-Bernoulli beam and wave equations through boundary connections with the same damping, the dissipation acts through the beam equation. We prove using the same technique as for the first model combined with some interpolation inequalities and by solving ordinary differential equations of order 4, that the energy has a polynomial decay rate of type t −2 2−α . In the fourth model, we consider an Euler-Bernoulli beam with a localized non-regular fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping. We show that the energy has a polynomial decay rate of type t −2 1−α . Finally, in the fifth model, we study the polynomial stability of two Euler-Bernoulli beam equations coupled through boundary connection with a localized non-regular fractional Kelvin-Voigt damping acting on one of the two equations. We establish a polynomial energy decay rate of type t −2 2−α , where α ∈ (0, 1).