In the present work, we give the coercivity estimates for the Boltzmann collision operator Q(·, ·) without angular cut-off to clarify in which case the functional −Q(g, f ), f will become the truly sub-elliptic. Based on this observation and commutator estimates in Alexandre et al. (Arch Rat Mech Anal 198:39-123, 2010), the upper bound estimates for the collision operator in Chen and He (Arch Rat Mech Anal 201(2):501-548, 2011) and the stability results in Desvillettes and Mouhot (Arch Rat Mech Anal 193(2):227-253, 2009), in the function space L 1 q ∩ H N , we establish global well-posedness or local well-posedness for the spatially homogeneous Boltzmann equation with full-range interaction(covering most of physical collision kernels).