Tokyo, Japan), equipped with 10 mm matched quartz cells. The bundled software, UV-Probe personal spectroscopy software version 2.21 (SHIMADZU). Mean centering and continuous wavelet transform were implemented in MATLAB (R2013b) using PLS toolbox version 2.1. The t-test and F-test were performed using Microsoft Excel. Samples Both pure tetramisole hydrochloride (99.8%) (B. NO.20160920) and Anthimizole ® 10% veterinary powder (B. NO. 150632) were kindly supplied by Pharma-Swede, Egypt. 10 th of Ramadan city, Egypt. Chemicals and solvents Hydrochloric acid, sodium hydroxide and methanol (El-Nasr Co., Egypt). Solvent used throughout the work was distilled water. Standard solution A stock solution of tetramisole hydrochloride (100µg/ml) was prepared by dissolving 10mg of tetramisole hydrochloride in 50ml of distilled water and complete to 100ml with the same solvent. Degraded sample Accelerated alkali-induced degradation was performed by refluxing 100mg of pure tetramisole hydrochloride with 50mL of 1N sodium hydroxide solution for 2 hours. The solution was cooled to room temperature then neutralized to pH 7 by addition of 1N hydrochloric acid solution, and then evaporated to dryness under vacuum. The obtained residue was extracted with methanol Volume 7 Issue 1-2018