Using density-functional-theory calculations, we have identified new stable configurations for tri-, tetra-, and penta-vacancies in silicon. These new configurations consist of combinations of a ringhexavacancy with three, two, or one interstitial atoms, respectively, such that all atoms remain fourfold. As a result, their formation energies are lower by 0.6, 1.0, and 0.6 eV, respectively, than the "part of a hexagonal ring" configurations, believed up to now to be the lowest-energy states.PACS numbers: 61.72.Bb; 61.72.Ji; 71.55.Cn; 78.70.Bj Vacancies and their clusters are fundamental defects of silicon. Usually they result from the irradiation of silicon with electrons [1,2,3,4], neutrons [5,6,7], protons [8,9], or ions [10,11], or from plastic deformations [12,13]. However, vacancy clusters can also be present in as-grown crystals [14]. The presence of defects in crystalline semiconductors determines, to a large extent, their electrical and optical properties, making their study of great importance.Calculations performed using density-functionaltheory (DFT) molecular dynamics [15,16], the Hartree-Fock method [15,16], and the DFT tightbinding method [17], among others, predict that the ring hexavacancy should be significantly more stable than other types of vacancy clusters. This can be explained using simple bond counting arguments: the crystal can reconstruct almost perfectly around a hexavacancy, making all atoms remain fourfold. For smaller clusters, the same calculations [15,16,17] conclude that the most stable configurations occur when atoms are removed sequentially from the hexagonal ring.The ring hexavacancy is known to be a good trap for various impurities, such as carbon, oxygen, and copper atoms [16]. It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that it may also be an efficient trap for self-interstitials. Exploring this avenue, we demonstrate in this Letter, on the basis of ab initio calculations, that penta-, tetra-, and tri-vacancies in the form of combinations of ring hexavacancies with one, two, or three self-interstitials constitute very stable complexes, with formation energies significantly lower than "part of hexagonal ring" (PHR) configurations. In a sense, this family of defects is a generalization of the "fourfold coordinated point defect" described in [18], which is essentially a combination of a divacancy with two self-interstitials.The calculations of the energies and relaxed geometries of the vacancy clusters were performed using the Vienna Ab-initio Simulation Package (VASP), which employs pseudopotential DFT with the projector augmentedwave method (PAW) [19,20]. We used a 216-atom supercell, an energy cutoff of 22 Ry, and the local-density approximation (LDA) for the exchange-correlation functional. Results are reported for Γ-point sampling only of the Brillouin zone, which we found is sufficient to ensure convergence of the relative energies of the defects. One of the standard experimental tools for the study of defects in semiconductors is positron annihilation spectroscopy [21]; we...