Based on the classical Markowitz model, we formulate a vector (multicriteria) Boolean problem of portfolio optimization with bottleneck criteria under risk. We obtain the lower and upper attainable bounds for the quantitative characteristics of the type of stability of the problem, which is a discrete analog of the Hausdorff upper semicontinuity of the multivalued mapping that defines the Pareto optimality.
INTRODUCTIONCurrently, there has been considerable interest in multiobjective decision-making under uncertainty and risk (problems of game theory, mathematical economy, optimal control, investment analysis, bank sector, insurance business, etc.). The wide use of discrete optimization models has attracted the attention of many experts to various aspects of stability and problems of parametric and postoptimal analysis of both scalar (single-criterion), and vector (multicriteria) discrete optimization (the monographs [1-3], reviews [4][5][6], and annotated bibliographies [7,8]).One of the well-known approaches to the stability analysis of vector discrete optimization problems is focused on obtaining quantitative characteristics of the stability and consists in finding an ultimate level of perturbations of the initial data of the problem that do not result in new Pareto optimal solutions. The majority of the results in this field is related to deriving formulas or estimates for the stability radius of vector problems of Boolean and integer programming with linear criteria [6,[9][10][11][12]. In the present paper, we will obtain the lower-and upper-bound attainable estimates for the stability radius of a vector Boolean problem with bottleneck criteria, i.e., of a portfolio optimization problem with Savage's minimax risk criteria. (The results of this paper were partially announced in [13].)