Vestibular information modulates muscle activity during gait, presumably to contribute stability, because noisy electrical vestibular stimulation perturbs gait stability. An important mechanism to stabilize gait in the mediolateral direction is to coordinate foot placement based on a sensory estimate of the trunk center of mass state, to which vestibular information appears to contribute. We, therefore expected that noisy vestibular stimulation would decrease the correlation between foot placement and trunk center of mass state. Moreover, as vestibular modulation of muscle activity during gait depends on step width, we expected stronger effects for narrow-base than normal walking, and smaller effects for wide-base walking. In eleven healthy subjects we measured the kinematics of the trunk (as a proxy of the center of mass), and feet, while they walked on a treadmill in six conditions, including three different step widths: control (preferred step width), narrow-base (steps smaller than hip width), and wide-base (with steps greater than hip width). The three conditions were conducted with and without a bipolar electrical stimulus, applied behind the ears (5 mA). Walking with EVS reduced gait stability but increased the foot placement to center of mass correlation in different step width conditions. The narrow-base walking was the most stable condition and showed a stronger correlation between foot placement and center of mass state. We argue that EVS destabilized gait, but that this was partially compensated for by tightened control over foot placement, which would require successful use of other than vestibular sensory inputs, to estimate center of mass movement.