We examine magnetic structures of electron systems on an extended triangular lattice that consists of two types of bond triangles with electron transfer energies t ℓ and t ′ ℓ (ℓ = 1, 2, and 3), respectively. We examine the ground state in the mean-field theory when t 1 = t ′ 1 , focusing on collinear states with two sublattices. It is shown that when the imbalance of the spatial anisotropies of the two triangles is large, up-up-down-down (uudd) phases are stable, and the most likely ground states of the λ-(BETS) 2 FeCl 4 system are the Néel state with the modulation vector (π/c, π/a) and a uudd state, where c = a 1 = a ′ 1 and a = (a 2 + a ′ 2 )/2, with a 1 , a ′ 1 , a 2 , and a ′ 2 being the lattice constants of the bonds with t 1 , t ′ 1 , t 2 , and t ′ 2 , respectively. These results are consistent with those from the classical spin system. In addition, this study reveals behaviors near the quantum critical point, which cannot be reproduced in the localized spin model. As the imbalance of the spatial anisotropies increases, the U c of the Néel state increases, and that of the uudd state decreases. In the phase diagrams containing areas of the paramagnetic state, the Néel state with (π/c, π/a), and a uudd state, their boundaries terminate at a triple point, near which all the transitions are of the first order. The phase boundary between the antiferromagnetic phases does not depend on U, and the transition is of the first order everywhere on the boundary. By contrast, the transitions from the two antiferromagnetic phases to the paramagnetic phase are of the second order, unless the system is close to the triple point.