(2013) 'A magnetic study of low moment nickel clusters formed from the solid-state decomposition reaction of nickel bis-1,5-cyclooctadiene.', Journal of custer science., 24 (4).pp. 1057-1066. Further information on publisher's website:http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10876-013-0597-9Publisher's copyright statement:The nal publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10876-013-0597-9.Additional information:
Use policyThe full-text may be used and/or reproduced, and given to third parties in any format or medium, without prior permission or charge, for personal research or study, educational, or not-for-prot purposes provided that:• a full bibliographic reference is made to the original source • a link is made to the metadata record in DRO • the full-text is not changed in any way The full-text must not be sold in any format or medium without the formal permission of the copyright holders.Please consult the full DRO policy for further details. (COD)2) is reported. The material is shown to be a mixed phase magnetic system where the Ni(COD)2 behaves as a diamagnet containing a paramagnetic component at low temperatures which we believe consists of elemental Ni clusters arising from the decomposition of the material. The magnetic response of the Ni clusters can be described by the combination of two Langevin functions, which indicate cluster magnetic moments of 1.8 µB and 15 µB suggesting Nin clusters with n = 2 − 3 and n = 14 − 19. However, we demonstrate that these clusters appear to show a spin transition to an S = 0 state at low temperatures, which may be a consequence of interactions between the clusters and the surrounding organic medium. Nevertheless, our results suggest that Ni(COD)2 is a novel material for the study of Ni clusters embedded in a diamagnetic background material.