We study the dynamics of a nonlinear electromechanical oscillator with delayed feedback. Compared to their linear counterparts, we find that the dynamics is dramatically different. The well-known Barkhausen stability criterion ceases to exist, and two modes of operation emerge: one characterized by hysteresis in combination with a bistable frequency and amplitude; the other, by self-stabilization of the oscillation frequency and amplitude. The observed features are captured by a model based on a Duffing equation with delayed force feedback. Nonlinear oscillators with delayed force feedback are exemplary for a large class of dynamic systems. Oscillators are ubiquitous in nature and engineering, with implementations in physical, life, and social sciences. [1][2][3] Typical components of an oscillator are a resonant system and a positive feedback loop. Oscillators are self-sustained and produce an ac output signal from a dc input. Compared to a resonator, which is driven by an ac signal, an oscillator exhibits a reduced line width and improved phase-noise performance. These properties make them interesting as sensitive detectors and as timing references. A common example is the quartz crystal oscillator, with widespread application in electronic circuits.In current applications the oscillating element is typically linear, implying that the displacement is proportional to the driving force as in Hooke's law. In a linear system, displacement-proportional feedback modifies the spring constant, whereas velocity-proportional feedback modifies the damping. Stability for the latter systems is bounded by the well-known Barkhausen criterion. 4,5 It states that a selfsustained oscillation occurs when the phase shift around the loop is an integer multiple of 2π , and the loop gain exceeds the value k/Q, where k is the spring constant and Q the quality factor without feedback. Although the linear regime has been studied in great detail, much less is known about nonlinear oscillating elements. In a nonlinear oscillator, the oscillating frequency depends on the amplitude of the motion. Micro-and nanoscale electromechanical devices exhibit strong nonlinearity, which makes them ideal devices to study such systems.6-8 We demonstrate that in the presence of a delayed force feedback, the nonlinearity gives rise to intricate dynamic behavior near the oscillation threshold.To construct a strongly nonlinear oscillator, we use a doubly clamped micromechanical beam with a high aspect ratio as the oscillating element. Figure 1(a) shows the device, with dimensions L × w × h = 750 × 8 × 0.5 μm 3 , fabricated from silicon nitride using standard microfabrication processes.9 An integrated piezoelectric actuator enables periodic driving of the beam, as well as static tuning of its resonance frequency. The motion of the beam is probed with pm/ √ Hz sensitivity using an optical deflection technique, by, is shown in Fig. 1(b), reflecting a laser beam off the surface of the device onto a position-sensitive photodetector. 10 The experiments are condu...