ABSTRACT. Let K be an algebraically closed, complete nonarchimedean field and let X be a smooth K-curve. In this paper we elaborate on several aspects of the structure of the Berkovich analytic space X an . We define semistable vertex sets of X an and their associated skeleta, which are essentially finite metric graphs embedded in X an . We prove a folklore theorem which states that semistable vertex sets of X are in natural bijective correspondence with semistable models of X, thus showing that our notion of skeleton coincides with the standard definition of Berkovich [Ber90]. We use the skeletal theory to define a canonical metric on H(X an ) ≔ X an X(K), and we give a proof of Thuillier's nonarchimedean Poincaré-Lelong formula in this language using results of Bosch and Lütkebohmert.