The design and operation of a 9 bit superconductive single-fluxquantum (SFQ) digital-to-analogue converter (DAC) are presented. The DAC comprises a 9 bit variable SFQ pulse number multiplier and a 100-fold voltage multiplier. An SFQ pulse-frequency modulation technique is employed for coding the analogue output voltage. The DAC is fabricated using an Nb Josephson integration technology. Its output voltage waveform, the amplitude of which is up to 2.54 mV pp , is controlled by digital input signals from a room-temperature data generator.Introduction: For the past few decades, superconductive Josephson digital-to-analogue converters (DACs) have been developed for radiofrequency (RF) transmit applications and for metrological applications. High conversion rates are important performance indices in RF signal processing [1,2]. On the other hand, quantum voltage generation based on the Josephson effects is the crucial advantage of Josephson DACs for metrology, i.e. AC voltage standards [3-6].Among the several types of Josephson DACs proposed for metrological applications, single-flux-quantum (SFQ)-based DACs are expected to synthesise AC voltage waveforms of high frequencies beyond 1 MHz, because of their ultra-fast digital signal processing [7,8]. Recently, we have demonstrated several voltage waveform generators comprising a DAC of the SFQ pulse-frequency modulation (PFM) type [9][10][11]. Their resolutions and voltage amplitudes were limited to 6 bits and 0.25 mV pp , respectively, whereas they were designed to generate specific (not arbitrary) voltage waveforms.Following our previous results, we have tried to extend the resolution and voltage amplitude of an SFQ-PFM DAC itself by up to 9 bits and 2.5 mV pp , the design and operation of which are described in this Letter. The circuits were fabricated using an Nb/AlO x /Nb integration technology. The operation was tested in a liquid helium bath (4.2 K).