We introduced Y–O bonds in the interfacial layer
HfO2 and Si1–x
(x = 0, 0.15, and 0.3) using
two different pretreatment methods to minimize the number of interfacial
defects. The pretreatments involved the application of cyclic pulses
of Y(CpBut)3 and N2, which proceeded with or
without the injection of an oxidizing agent (H2O) at 250
°C, which was the temperature used for the subsequent in situ
atomic layer deposition of HfO2. Both Y pretreatments were
beneficial in reducing the leakage current and positive flatband voltage
shift, which were induced by an increase in the Ge concentration of
the substrate. In addition, the interface state density was significantly
reduced by the pretreatments, and this effect was more pronounced
when the oxidizing agent injection step was skipped. However, both
pretreatments increased the capacitance-equivalent oxide thickness,
thereby having an adverse effect, possibly owing to a change in the
composition of the interfacial layer.