adsorption of graphene-oxide (GO) nanoparticles at the interface
between water and vapor was analyzed using all-atom molecular simulations
for single and multiple particles. For a single GO particle, our results
indicate that the adsorption energy does not scale linearly with the
surface coverage of oxygen groups, unlike typically assumed for Janus
colloids. Our results also show that the surface activity of the particle
depends on the number of surface oxygen groups as well as on their
distribution: for a given number of oxygen groups, a GO particle with
a patched surface was found to be more surface active than a particle
with evenly distributed groups. Then, to understand what sets the
thickness of GO layers at interfaces, the adsorption energy of a test
GO particle was measured in the presence of multiple GO particles
already adsorbed at the interface. Our results indicate that in the
case of high degree of oxidation, particle–particle interactions
at the water–vapor interface hinder the adsorption of the test
particle. In the case of a low degree of oxidation, however, clustering
and stacking of GO particles dominate the adsorption behavior, and
particle–particle interactions favor the adsorption of the
test particle. These results highlight the complexity of multiple
particle adsorption and the limitations of single-particle adsorption
models when applied to GO at a relatively high surface concentration.