Published mass models fitted to kinematic data are used to study the systematic properties of dark matter (DM) halos in Sc -Im and dwarf spheroidal (dSph) galaxies. Halo parameters are derived for rotationally supported galaxies by decomposing rotation curves V (r) into visible-and dark-matter contributions. The visible matter potential is calculated from the surface brightness assuming that the mass-to-light ratio M/L is constant with radius. "Maximum disk" values of M/L are adjusted to fit as much of the inner rotation curve as possible without making the halo have a hollow core. Rotation curve decomposition is impossible fainter than absolute magnitude M B ≃ −14, where V becomes comparable to the velocity dispersion of the gas. To increase the luminosity range further, we include central densities of dSph and dIm galaxies estimated via the Jeans equation for their stars (dSph) or H I (dIm). Combining these data, we find that DM halos satisfy well defined scaling laws analogous to the "fundamental plane" relations for elliptical galaxies. Halos in less luminous galaxies have smaller core radii r c , higher central densities ρ • , and smaller central velocity dispersions σ. Scaling laws provide new constraints on the nature of DM and on galaxy formation and evolution:1. A continuous sequence of decreasing mass extends from the highest-luminosity Sc I galaxies with M B ≃ −22.4 (H 0 = 70 km s −1 Mpc −1 ) to the lowest-luminosity galaxy with sufficient data (an ultrafaint dSph with M B ≃ −1).2. The high DM densities in dSph galaxies are normal for such tiny galaxies. Because virialized DM density depends on collapse redshift z coll , ρ • ∝ (1 + z coll ) 3 , and because the DM densities in the faintest dwarfs are about 500 times higher than those in the brightest spirals, therefore the collapse redshifts of the faintest dwarfs and the brightest spirals are related by (1 + z dwarf )/(1 + z spiral ) ≃ 8.3. The high DM densities in the dSph companions of our Galaxy imply that they are real galaxies formed from primordial density fluctuations. They are not tidal fragments. Tidal dwarfs cannot retain even the low DM densities of their giant-galaxy progenitors. In contrast, dSph galaxies generally have higher DM densities than those of possible giant-galaxy progenitors.4. We show explicitly that spiral, irregular, and spheroidal galaxies with M V > ∼ −18 form a sequence of decreasing baryon-to-DM surface density with decreasing luminosity. We suggest that these dS, dIm, and dSph galaxies form a sequence of decreasing baryon retention (caused by supernova-driven winds) or decreasing baryon capture (after cosmological reionization) in smaller galaxies.5. In all structural parameter correlations, dS+Im and dSph galaxies behave similarly; any differences between them are small. We conclude that the difference between z ∼ 0 galaxies that still contain gas (and that still can form stars) and those that do not (and that cannot form stars) is a second-order effect.The primary effect appears to be the physics that control...