The first measurements of differential inelastic collision cross sections of fully state-selected NO ͑j =1/2, ⍀ =1/2, ⑀ =−1͒ with He are presented. Full state selection is achieved by a 2 m long hexapole, which allows for a systematic study of the effect of parity conservation and breaking on the differential cross section. The collisionally excited NO molecules are detected using a resonant ͑1+1Ј͒ REMPI ionization scheme in combination with the velocity-mapped, ion-imaging technique. The current experimental configuration minimizes the contribution of noncolliding NO molecules in other rotational states j , ⍀ , ⑀ -that contaminates images-and allows for study of the collision process at an unprecedented level of detail. A simple method to correct ion images for collision-induced alignment is presented as well and its performance is demonstrated. The present results show a significant difference between differential cross sections for scattering into the upper and lower component of the ⌳-doublet of NO. This result cannot be due to the energy splitting between these components.