IndiaThe band-head energies of the two-quasiparticle states expected in the doubly odd deformed nucleus 170Ho are calculated for a zero range residual interaction. The results are compared with the available experimental information. It is concluded that the ground state has the Nilsson configuration 6 + {5-[5231"]p +~- [512]'],} being the 2.76m isomer whereas the 43s isomer is the 1 § 2;= 0 state arising from the same configuration and lies at about 100keV excitation energy in agreement with the experiment. The first excited state in this nucleus is predicted to be the 4-{~+[411]']p+-~-[521]'].} state close to the ground state with the corresponding 1-2;=0 member expected to appear well above the 1 § isomer.The energy levels of the odd-odd deformed nuclei, particularly the ones lying away from the stability line, are very poorly known. Low-lying isomers have been identified in several such cases but the structure and even the relative ordering of such isomers remain still an open question. The spin-parity assignments to many such isomers have not been unambiguously decided to this date. One particular example of this type is the doubly odd rare earth nucleus 1~~Two isomers with half-lives of 2.76 min and 43 s, respectively, have been identified for this nucleus. ' and, then considering the various choices, they tentatively assigned to it I'= 1 § placing it as the 2;= 0 member of the ground state GM pair. We have recently developed [5] a formalism for calculating the band-head energies of the intrinsic two-particle states in doubly odd deformed nuclei based on a quantitative evaluation of the zero range residual neutron-proton interaction contribution to the energy of such states. We [6] have also critically looked into the criteria for the applicability of the GM rule using our fomulation. The formalism has been successfully applied [7] to examine the relative placement of the close lying configurations in several cases. In the following we apply this formalism to the case of 17~ In our formalism we adopt the usual procedure of treating the two-quasi-particle states occurring in an odd-odd nucleus as arising from the superposition of the corresponding neutron and proton single particle Nilsson orbitals ~?~[Nn3AE ] as observed in the spectra of the neighboring odd-mass nuclei. Each (p., %) combination gives rise to two bands with K =K+-=[f2p+f2,1 in the odd-odd nucleus. The relative ordering of K + and K-bands is generally