This research aimed to analyze the concept of self-management of hypertensive individuals. Theoretical and documentary study based on Walker and Avant's conceptual analysis by means of the Scientific Electronic Library Brazil and the Medical Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online in the Coordination for Higher Education Personnel Development (CAPES, in Portuguese) and the National Library of Medicine websites. Fourteen (14) articles and one (1) thesis were selected and reviewed, in Portuguese and English, in the period January 2007 to September 2012. Background: missing doctor's appointments, non-compliance to blood pressure control treatment, to recommendations to proper diet standards and stress. Attributes: blood pressure control and disease management. Consequences: home monitoring of blood pressure with control improvement, accomplishment of disease management, compliance and sharing of the creation process of self-management goals and caring activities by the interdisciplinary team through individualized actions. It was concluded that the self-management concept is a dynamic, active process which requires knowledge, attitude, discipline, determination, commitment, self-regulation, empowerment and self-efficiency in order to manage the disease and achieve healthy living.Descriptors: Disease management. Hypertension. Chronic disease. Nursing.
Objetivou analisar conceito de autogestão do indivíduo hipertenso. Estudo teórico pautado na análise conceitual Walker e Avant mediante as bases de dados Scientific Electronic Library Brazil e Medical
Desarrollar análisis del concepto de autogestión relacionado a la hipertensión. Estudio teórico pautado en el análisis conceptual Walker y Avant a través de la búsqueda en las bases de datos Scientific Electronic Library Brasil y Medical Literature Analysis and Retrievel