To propel a spacecraft away from the Sun, a magneto plasma sail (MPS) spacecraft produces an artificial magnetic cavity to block the hypersonic solar wind. To make a large magnetic cavity sufficient to obtain significant thrust, the MPS spacecraft increases the magnetic cavity size using an onboard coil with assistance from a plasma jet. This process is called magnetic field inflation. In this study, we performed ideal and resistive magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) analyses to investigate the magnetic diffusion effect on the magnetic field inflation process. Our results indicate that a dipole-like magnetic field is drastically deformed by a plasma jet; when the magnetic Reynolds number R m was 10 or more, the magnetic field lines were nearly identical to the streamlines of the plasma jet. Hence, no magnetic diffusion effect appeared for R m > 10. Meanwhile, when R m is an order of unity, the magnetic diffusion effect was remarkable in the current sheet formed around equatorial region. For example, when the divergence angle of a plasma jet in the polar direction was 30 , the magnetic field strength at 40 m from the spacecraft (calculated by resistive MHD model) was 19% smaller than the ideal MHD model (R m ¼ 1).