Rapid advancement and innovation in semiconductor research have continuously helped in designing efficient and complex integrated circuits in miniature size. As the device technology, is aggressively scaling to improve the device performance, the issues related to device interconnects, power, and reliability have become a major concern for the designers. These challenges make the design and validation of ASIC extremely complicated. The primary idea of this work is to develop automation tools, to be used in the physical design flows to improve the efficiency of the design flow. The first tool named as variation analysis tool automates the on-chip variation modeling used in the post-layout timing closure phase in the physical design flows. The proposed variation analysis tool models three types of variations such as on-chip variation (OCV), advanced on-chip variation (AOCV) and parametric on-chip variation (POCV). The results of the proposed tool have compared with the Synopsys PrimeTime™ results, and the results show average around 98% accuracy compared to the PrimeTime™. The second tool is for automating repeater analysis in the physical design flows. The repeater automation tool can be used to automate the repeater or buffer insertion process, while technology process is changed from one to another. The tool can calculate the best possible repeater distance for any given metal layer and also, the number of repeaters, combinational or sequential for the user given distance and frequency. The accuracy of this script is compared with the repeater insertion based on the synthesis tools and also, the SPICE simulation. First and foremost, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of my committee members especially Dr. Ataur R. Patwary. This work would not have been possible without his constant guidance, motivation, and support. He has been an excellent source of inspiration and ideas. He has continuously provided me with confidence and having faith in me. His dedication and hard work towards his students inspires me a lot. I am grateful to Dr. Ataur for dedicating his precious time to me and regularly allowing me to meet him after work-hours, providing advice and feedback on research work. I would like to extend my gratitude to Professor Xiaoyu Song, my thesis committee chair, for his support and help during the period of my thesis work. He had continuously helped and motivated me to continue doing good work while I was struggling. I would also like to thank Professor John M. Acken for serving on my thesis Defense Examination Committee and providing valuable inputs on thesis draft. He has always dedicated his time to review and provide feedback on the thesis paper carefully. I would also like to thank Dr. Douglas Hall for delivering his constant support and motivation to complete this work. He has always helped me in completing all the formal process required to complete this thesis and also provided valuable advice regarding my future goals. This work would not have been possible without the constant suppor...