547.915 A. M. Nigmatullaev, and A. I. GlushenkovaThe composition of free and bound lipids from seeds of Cortusa turkestanica A. Lozinsk (Primulaceae) was studied. The fatty acid composition of principal acyl-containing classes was established using GC/MS. It was found that triacylglycerines isolated from free and bound lipids contained the usual acids and rarely encountered polyunsaturated 18:3 Z-6 (J-linolenic, 8.8 and 3.2%) and 18:4 Z-3 (stearidonic, 0.7 and 0.4%) acids and were enriched in linoleic acid (18:2, Z-6, 58.2 and 60.8%, respectively). It was found that polyunsaturated 18:3 Z-6 and 18:4 Z-3 acids were missing in the free form and were found among polar substances of bound lipids.The genus Cortusa (Primulaceae) includes at least ten plant species [1, 2], among which C. turkestanica A. Lozinsk is the only representative in the flora of Uzbekistan (endemic). It is distributed at middle mountain elevations in moist soils and along banks of streams.It has been reported that seeds and the aerial part of plants from the family Primulaceae contain polyunsaturated fatty acids such as octadeca-6Z,9Z,12Z-trienoic (J-linolenic, 18:3 Z-6) and octadeca-6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z-tetraenoic (18:4 Z-3, stearidonic) [3][4][5].J-Linolenic acid is typical of lipids from seeds of plants from the families Boraginaceae, Onagraceae, and Aceraceae [6-8]. The presence in seeds of J-linolenic acid in combination with a significant quantity of 18:4 Z-3 acid is a taxonomic signature of plants of the genus Primula [3]. The combination of these acids was observed in seed oils of plants from the families Boraginaceae [6], Saxifragaceae, and Scrophulariaceae [9], in addition to Primulaceae [3].It seemed interesting to establish the constituent composition of free (FL) and bound lipids (BL) and their fatty acids, especially because such data for plants containing polyene acids have not been reported except for seed oil of Oenothera biennis [6,10].Lipids were extracted from seeds stepwise. Seeds with 6.9% moisture were ground in a coffee grinder and extracted exhaustively with hydrocarbons (bp 60-70°C) to obtain free lipids in 11.03% yield (of the dry seed mass). The extract was yellow and contained carotinoids (24.0 mg%). FL were fractionated by column chromatography over silica gel. Lipid constituents of the resulting fractions were identified by TLC. The composition was determined after gravimetric estimation of the pure fractions (Table 1).The FL consisted of a rather simple set of constituents that was typical of lipids from seeds of higher plants. The main constituents were TAG. However, it should be noted that the content of esters of aliphatic and cyclic alcohols with fatty acids was somewhat elevated.BL were extracted from the remaining pulp by CHCl 3 :MeOH (2:1, v/v). The yield after purification was 2.72%. The extract was green and contained chlorophylls (52 mg%).The total yield of lipids was 13.75%; BL, 19.8%. TLC of the BL detected the main constituents TAG, glycolipids, and phospholipids. Free fatty acids (FFA), phytosterols, and mo...