This paper presents a nonequilibrium, first-principles, thermodynamic-ensemble based model for the relaxation process of interacting non-equilibrium systems. This model is formulated using steepest-entropy-ascent quantum thermodynamics (SEAQT) and its equation of motion for a grand canonical ensemble and is applied to a many particle system of classical or indistinguishable particles. Two kinds of interactions are discussed, including pure heat diffusion and heat and mass diffusion together. Since no local equilibrium assumption is made, the conjugate fluxes and forces are intrinsic to the subspaces of the state space of one system and/or of the state space of two interacting systems. They are derived via the concepts of hypoequilibrium state and nonequilibrium intensive properties, which describe the nonmutual equilibrium status between subspaces of the thermodynamic state space of a single system and/or of the state space of two interacting systems. The Onsager relations are shown to be thermodynamic kinematic features of the system and are found without knowledge of the detailed mechanics of the dynamic process. A fundamental thermodynamic explanation for the measurement of each intensive property of a system in a nonequilibrium state is given. The fundamental thermodynamic definition of reservoir is also discussed. In addition, the equation of motion for a system undergoing multiple interactions is provided, which permits the modeling of a network of local systems in nonequilibrium at any spatial and temporal scale. Finally, the physical features of a nonequilibrium measurement is illustrated via a case study, and the general validity of the equal probability condition is discussed.