“…This happens when rotation and bending of a,13ethylenic cation is more rapid than nucleophilic attack that could be slowed by steric hindrance. A loss of proton may also occur from an adjacent methyl group of this entity giving a conjugated diene (eq 50). Minor Major -rJ,r'3 strongly electron-donating auisei cue/its such as Pb, OEt, Me and R3 electron-withdrawing *ul>*tituenc CH^OR or alJcyl group ; "electrophiles with poor bridging ability MX, R^CX, ClT hen it was shown that hydrochlorination of phenylallene (eq 4) and ethoxyallene (entry 27 of Table I) follows a stepwise process in which rate-determining proton transfer on the /3-carbon leads to a transition state resembling the perpendicular a-vinylbenzyl and a-vinylethoxy cation.…”