Stereoscopic depth perception may be obtained from small retinal disparities that can be fused for single vision (fine stereopsis), but reliable depth information is also obtained from larger disparities that produce double vision (coarse stereopsis). Here we assess the possibility that the early development of coarse stereopsis makes it resilient to the factors that cause amblyopia by comparing performance in children with a history of strabismic, anisometropic, or aniso-strabismic amblyopia and age-matched controls (5-12 years). The task was to indicate whether a cartoon character was nearer or farther away than a zero-disparity reference frame. Test disparities were grouped into fine and coarse ranges based on preliminary assessment of diplopia thresholds. In the fine range, accuracy increased with disparity for both groups, but children in the amblyopia group performed significantly worse than children in the control group, particularly when their amblyopia was associated with strabismus. In the coarse range, accuracy was constant across all disparities for both groups although performance appeared to be poorer in the aniso-strabismic group. These results suggest that, under some conditions, stereopsis for large disparities may be spared when stereopsis for small disparities is disrupted by early visual deprivation. This undetected residual binocular function has important clinical implications given recent efforts to improve amblyopia treatment outcomes by employing binocular treatment protocols.