The aim of the study was to compare two methods of quantitating eumelanins and pheomelanins, pigments synthesized by melanocytes. One is based on the high performance liquid chromatography quantitation of specific degradation products of each melanin type. The other requires image analysis, transmission electron microscopy, and stereology. In a previous study, we showed good correlations between both methods for total melanin but not for eumelanins or pheomelanins. We describe here the same comparison in more pigmented cells (nevus cells and stimulated HBL melanoma cells). Transmission electron microscopy micrographs were image analyzed to generate several primary parameters. Stereology was used for estimating melanosomal maturation, intracellular melanin content, and the number of melanized melanosomes per cell, for total melanin, eumelanins, or pheomelanins. Our results showed a good correlation between both methods for total melanin, eumelanins, and pheomelanins with an r equal to 0.99, 0.91, and 0.93, respectively, when all the points were used in the linear regression analyses. In the melanoma cell group (HBL cells cultured in media of different compositions), the chemical and morphometric estimations were not parallel in the case of eumelanins and pheomelanins. In addition, the stereologic and high performance liquid chromatography pheomelanins to eumelanins ratios were still not correlated. These results demonstrate the relevancy of the stereologic method, but the low level of melanization, the possible lack of specificity of melanogenesis in melanoma cells, and a problem of sensitivity of the stereologic method in this context seem to be obstacles in obtaining better results. The utilization of normal human melanocytes could give some answers to our hypotheses.