Abstract. Some relatives of the Juhász Club Principle are introduced and studied in the presence of CH. In particular, it is shown that a slight strengthening of this principle implies the existence of a Suslin tree in the presence of CH.Jensen's ♦-principle is an important strengthening of the Continuum Hypothesis that allows for a number of interesting constructions that cannot be carried out in ZFC + CH alone. Most notably, ♦ implies the existence of a Suslin tree. In [4], Ostaszewski introduced a weakening of ♦ known as ♣ that suffices for many of the constructions made possible by ♦. Devlin showed that ♣ + CH is equivalent to ♦ (see [4]). However, ♣ does not imply CH and is thus strictly weaker than ♦ (for an elegant proof, see [5], page 43). In [3], Juhász introduced a weakening of ♣ that will be denoted here by ♣ J . This principle is not equivalent to ♦ even under CH, and yet it retains some of the combinatorial power of the latter principle. Here we study some natural modifications of ♣ J . In particular, we show that some of these modifications, while still not equivalent to ♦ under CH, do imply the existence of a Suslin tree in the presence of CH.Throughout this note, letThe letter E will denote stationary subsets of S 0 , and S(E) will denote the family of all stationary subsets of E. Instead of S(S 0 ) we will write S. The family of all closed unbounded subsets of S 0 will be denoted by C. A ♣(E)-sequence is a sequence s α : α ∈ S 0 such that s α is a cofinal subset of order type ω for all α ∈ S 0 , and for each X ∈ [ω 1 ] ℵ 1 there exists α ∈ E with s α ⊂ X. The ♣(E)-principle asserts the existence of a ♣(E)-sequence. Instead of ♣(S 0 ) we simply write ♣.2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 03E65, 03E35.