Slice preparations are typically used to study the effects of pharmacological manipulations on the electrophysiological activity of mature neurons. However, the severing of afferent inputs is known to significantly change the natural membrane activity of the neuron. To study the effects of local pharmacological manipulations on neurons in the intact brain, we combined the methods of microdialysis and intracellular recording in vivo. After implantation of a microdialysis probe into the prefrontal cortex (PFC) or striatum, intracellular recordings were conducted within ϳ500 m of the active surface of the probe. The spontaneous membrane activity, passive membrane properties, and intracellularly and synaptically evoked responses of striatal and cortical neurons recorded during perfusion of artificial cerebral spinal fluid were not different from that of neurons recorded in intact animals. Moreover, in the PFC, local perfusion with glutamate or N-methyl-D-aspartate depolarized neurons and increased spike activity. Conversely, local perfusion of tetrodotoxin hyperpolarized neurons while markedly reducing spontaneous membrane depolarizations and eliminating spike activity. In the striatum, local perfusion of the ␥-aminobutyric acid A receptor antagonist bicuculline rapidly depolarized neurons and increased spontaneous spike activity. Given that striatal and PFC neurons recorded in animals undergoing microdialysis in the current study exhibited electrophysiological properties similar to those recorded in intact controls, it is likely that the effects of local microdialysis on ongoing synaptic activity, neuronal excitability, and endogenous neurotransmitter levels are minimal. We conclude that the use of local microdialysis with intracellular recording is a powerful method for studying local receptor regulation of synaptic activity in vivo.Recent studies directed at understanding the influence of network events on neuronal membrane properties in the central nervous system have, in large part, been carried out using in vitro preparations. Although these isolated preparations are useful for studying the synaptic pharmacology and membrane biophysics of neurochemically and/or visually identified neurons, extrapolation of observations made in vitro to the intact adult system is often problematic. In addition to the potential caveats related to the impact of the specific physical-chemical conditions used in the in vitro preparation on the viability or membrane biophysics of neurons, the disconnection of the neuron from its extrinsic inputs can have a significant impact on the steady-state properties of the neuronal membrane. For example, spiny projection neurons recorded in vivo in the cortex or striatal complex often exhibit characteristic shifts in membrane potential consisting of "up" (depolarized plateau potential between Ϫ65 and Ϫ48 mV) and "down" (resting potential between Ϫ88 and Ϫ75 mV) states (Steriade et al