We demonstrated as trategy to reversibly extend and contract 3D DNA nanocages based on G-rich DNA strandsa ss caffolds in the presence of K + or chelating agents. The contraction and extension of nanocage would be regulated by formation and deformationo fGquadruplexi nt he presence of K + ions and chelating agents, respectively.C ompared to single telomeric DNA strands, self-assembled 3D DNA nanocages integrated with three HTLs act as horseradish peroxidase mimicking DNAzymesf or colorimetric detectiona nd monitoring of cholesterol with high stability towardn uclease and blood serum degradations. This is the first example of facile construction of 3D DNA nanostructures with contractile, reversible, and catalytic features based on the assembly and disassembly of G-quadruplexes. This work offers an ew platform for manipulation of nanoscale conformational changes and as tep forwardi no btaining stimuli-responsive 3D DNA nanomaterials with versatile reactivity and functionalities.The base sequence of oligonucleotides, which encodes substantialf unctional and structural information, facilitates the rational design of stimuli-responsive materials.[1] Guanine-rich nucleic acids exhibit not only specificb inding capabilities to various targets including metal ions, [2] proteins [3] or small molecules, [4] but also reversible catalytic functions in the form of hemin/G-quadruplexc omplexes. [5][6][7] The catalytically inactive, random-coil structure of guanine-rich DNA reversibly switches into ac atalytically active G-quadruplex by corresponding input, [8] enablingi ts structuralr econfigurationa nd promoting its applicationsi ns ensing, [3,4,9,10] analytical biochemistry, [11] molecular biology, [12] biomedicine [13] and logic gate development.[14] This G-rich, non-Watson-Crick base-paired building block has been increasingly encoded in self-assembled DNA nanostructures to generate stimuli-responsivet wo dimensional DNA networks [15][16][17] and long DNA nanowires.[18] So far,t he use of G-quadruplex-functionalized 3D DNA nanostructures for structuralr econfiguration is highly limited. Not surprisingly,3 D DNA nanostructures capable of molecular switching play an important role because of their potentialapplications in molecular sensing, drug delivery,m iniaturized robotics and dynamic nanomaterials.[19] Different strategies including addition of specific DNA strands, [20,21] small molecules, [22] protons, [23] enzymes [24] or photons [25] have been used to control the 3D movement in terms of shapes and sizes. Inspired by the reversible conformational switching properties of the G-rich nucleic acids under appropriate conditions, the exploration of stimuliresponsive G-quadruplex-containing 3D DNA nanomaterials with increasing patterns of molecular diversity,c omplexity,a nd functions is still ac hallenge.Herein, we report on the reversible conformationalc hange of 3D DNA nanocages that allows switchable turn ON and OFF of their optical signals. The contraction and extension of HT-NC can be regulated by formation...