The formation of soluble nano-spheres or stable hydrogels through the self-assembling of a simple gemini amphiphilic pseudopeptide can be controlled by the tuning of the hydrophilic/ hydrophobic interactions in aqueous medium.The aggregation of peptide-like molecules is an extremely important process, closely related to serious diseases like priondiseases 1 and other neurodegenerative problems. 2 However, a full understanding of the mechanisms at the molecular level is still far from being achieved. These aggregation processes have been related to the misfolding of certain peptides, thus connecting folding/unfolding and self-assembling of biological systems. On the other hand, the hierarchical and controlled self-assembly of simple molecules has attracted much attention in the last decade, as the bottom-up approach to nanotechnology.3 Initially inspired by nature and encouraged by previous results, 4 we designed a family of gemini amphiphilic pseudopeptides (GAPs), which are simple C 2 symmetric molecules built from two amino acids connected at their acid ends by a flexible spacer, and bearing two hydrophobic tails at both extremes. 5,6 We found that these simple molecules are able to self-assemble into different nanostructures through the cooperative action of polar (H-bonding and dipole-dipole) and non-polar (van der Waals) intermolecular interactions.7 Moreover, those GAPs showing specific structural features behaved as stimulus dependent systems, forming amorphous materials in chloroform, fibers in methanol or aqueous methanol at neutral or basic pH, while vesicles when protonated in this medium.6 After studying the processes with different techniques, we proposed a structural model for the observed properties, based on the flexibility of the molecules that allows them to fold and unfold upon the action of external chemical forces. 6 Following the same structural design, we envisioned the preparation of a second generation of GAPs that were more soluble in water, 8 since this is the most interesting medium for studies of biological relevance. Accordingly, we hypothesized that a GAP bearing a nitrogen atom in the middle of the central spacer should be a reasonable structural motif (1 in Scheme 1) for the improvement of the aqueous solubility. Within our model, this spacer is responsible for the folding-unfolding process and belongs to the water-exposed moiety in the vesicular assembly of the folded conformation in very polar environments (Scheme 1). For this design, we kept the valine and the decyloxybenzyl moieties because they were the most efficient fragments in our initial systems.