The Localization of the target object for data retrieval is a key issue in the Intelligent and Connected Transportation Systems (ICTS). However, due to lack of intelligence in the traditional transportation system, it can take tremendous resources to manually retrieve and locate the queried objects among a large number of images. In order to solve this issue, we propose an effective method to query-based object localization that uses artificial intelligence techniques to automatically locate the queried object in the complex background. The presented method is termed as Fine-grained and Progressive Attention Localization Network (FPAN), which uses an image and a queried object as input to accurately locate the target object in the image. Specifically, the fine-grained attention module is naturally embedded into each layer of the convolution neural network (CNN), thereby gradually suppressing the regions that are irrelevant to the queried object and eventually shrinking attention to the target area.We further employ top-down attentions fusion algorithm operated by a learnable cascade up-sampling structure to establish the connection between the attention map and the exact location of the queried object in the original image.Furthermore, the FPAN is trained by multi-task learning with box segmentation loss and cosine loss. At last, we conduct comprehensive experiments on both queried-based digit localization and object tracking with synthetic and benchmark datasets, respectively. The experimental results show that our algorithm is far superior to other algorithms in the synthesis datasets and outperforms most existing trackers on the OTB and VOT datasets.
KEYWORDSQuery-based object localization, fine-grained attention, progressive attention, unified framework, fully convolution neural network
IntroductionWith the development of the transportation system connection network, the capacity of the data center is rapidly increasing, making efficient data retrieval an urgent need. However, due to the lack of intelligence, many of the retrieval tasks in the Intelligent and Connected Transportation Systems (ICTS) need to be done manually, resulting in inefficiencies and waste of resources. In all these data retrieval tasks in ICTS, the stable and effective queried object localization is the key task. As shown in Fig. 1, this well-known object localization by a query is of substantial importance for a wide range of applications in data retrieval such as intelligent monitoring, tracking, and vehicle positioning. However, the lack of intelligence and accuracy have restricted the development of data retireval system. In order to solve these problems, we focus on the intelligent localization technology, as shown in Fig. 1.An important question about any object localization tasks is how to efficiently match the queried template in the image under arbitrary deformation of the target object [1]. The main challenge is to filter out the background and select some regions while learning the discrimination feature space and effective d...